Search Results
Found 69 items.
Prevalence of Baker’s cyst in patients with knee pain: an ultrasonographic study
Published: 14 March 20143430PDF: 1477 -
Bradykinin and its role in osteoarthritis
Published: 23 July 20133073PDF: 1808 -
Bone mineral density in women on long-term mud-bath therapy in a Salus per Aquam (SPA) environment
Published: 24 July 20132763PDF: 1010 -
Far infrared emitting plaster in knee osteoarthritis: a single blinded, randomised clinical trial
Published: 20 December 20123959PDF: 2189 -
Manual therapy and therapeutic exercise in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip: a systematic review
Published: 27 May 20137056PDF: 3726 -
Gait analysis in hip viscosupplementation for osteoarthritis: a case report
Published: 31 October 20132829PDF: 810 -
Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis: correlations between two clinical entities
Published: 27 May 20132506PDF: 863 -
Assessment of factors affecting quality of life in patients with chronic pain due to knee osteoarthritis and spondylosis: spine versus knee?
Published: 24 June 20241790PDF: 408 -
The sources of pain in osteoarthritis: a pathophysiological review
Published: 6 June 20145792PDF: 3343 -
From art to science: the functional damage due to thumb osteoarthritis finely described by Velazquez 300 years before its clinical description
Published: 21 September 20171876PDF: 729 -
Italian Society for Rheumatology recommendations for the management of hand osteoarthritis
Published: 31 October 201310755PDF: 1820 -
A clinical overview of bone marrow edema
Published: 28 July 201410738PDF: 5293 -
Physiopathology and biomechanics of hip osteoarthritis
Published:1703PDF: 1099 -
Pathophysiology of osteoarthritis: perspectives
Published:1872PDF: 1502 -
Sanitary costs of osteoarthritis
Published:1014PDF: 784 -
Pain and microcrystalline arthritis
Published: 6 June 20143153PDF: 1687 -
Epidemiology of gout and chondrocalcinosis
Published:1089PDF: 1461 -
Pain in rheumatoid arthritis: a critical review
Published: 6 June 20145571PDF: 3414 -
Costs of pain in Rheumatology
Published: 6 June 20141814PDF: 1058 -
Fibromyalgia and arthritides
Published: 28 September 20122136PDF: 1447 -
The preventive and therapeutic role of physical activity in knee osteoarthritis
Published: 3 May 202210443PDF: 4240 -
Impact of ultrasonography detected quadriceps calcific tendinopathy on pain and function in patients with primary knee osteoarthritis
Published: 3 August 20213070PDF: 664 -
Post-microtraumatic cervical osteoarthritis in a cretaceous dinosaur
Published:831PDF: 819 -
Prevalence of erosive osteoarthritis of the hand in a population from venitian area
Published:1392PDF: 3316 -
Magnetic resonance imaging as a structural refinement to the American College of Rheumathology clinical classification criteria for knee osteoarthritis
Published: 29 December 2022902PDF: 576 -
Phytothermotherapy with fermenting alpine grass in knee osteoarthritis: mid-long term results
Published:909PDF: 771 -
Cross-cultural adaptation, validity and rehability of the QUIPA tool: Turkish version
Published: 13 September 20221135PDF: 530 -
Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease: clinical manifestations
Published:1205PDF: 1616 -
The Italian Society for Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of knee, hip and hand osteoarthritis
Published: 23 September 20196122PDF: 3330 -
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (D.I.S.H.)
Published:1851PDF: 2402 -
Efficacy of mud plus bath therapy as compared to bath therapy in osteoarthritis of hands and knees: a pilot single-blinded randomized controlled trial
Published: 22 November 20215446PDF: 907 -
Italian consensus on Eular 2003 recommendations for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
Published:2877PDF: 1583 -
Pain and quality of life in knee osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain and fibromyalgia: a comparative cross-sectional study
Published: 9 July 20193145PDF: 1787 -
Epidemiology and risk factors in osteoarthritis: literature review data from “OASIS” study
Published:4179PDF: 11179 -
Efficacy and safety of Amtolmetin Guacyl in the symptomatic treatment of the osteoarthritis
Published:966PDF: 692 -
Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with vertebral osteoporotic fractures
Published:972PDF: 707 -
Italian consensus on EULAR recommendations 2005 for the management of hip osteoarthritis
Published:2337PDF: 1194 -
Longitudinal study on osteoarthritis and bone metabolism
Published:987PDF: 940 -
Prevalence studies in rheumatology: the methodology of the Chiavari study
Published:1132PDF: 1044 -
Spa therapy induces clinical improvement and protein changes in patients with chronic back pain
Published: 24 October 20194388PDF: 2638