Correlation between radiologic and ultrasonographic patterns and clinical manifestations in symptomatic hip osteoarthritis

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Increasing amounts of data have recenlty been published regarding ultrasonographic (US) findings of osteoarthritic joints, but very few data concern hip joints. In the current study we described US patterns concerning 490 patients affected by symptomatic hip osteoarthritis (OA) who underwent to intra-articular injections of hyaluronic products under US guidance. All patients were studied by US and X-ray of hip, clinical evaluation was assessed by the followings indexes: Lequesne, pain VAS, ICED, Global Physician Assessment and Global Patient Assessment. US findings were summarized in four main patterns, effusion and synovial proliferation were also detected. The aim of this study was to correlate US findings with clinical assessment and radiographic findings (according to Kellegren- Lawrence classification). Pearson’s r correlation coefficient were computed and come out significant and positive between X ray and US patterns and between clinical indexes and US patterns. Also the correlation between K-L score and US patterns showed a significant positive correlation indicating that higher K-L scores are associated with increasing abnormal US findings. Our data suggest that ultrasonography of the hip may give useful information about the state of synovial membrane, synovial fluid, joint margins and bone profile in hip OA. Further studies are needed to evaluate their prevalence in hip OA symptomatic and not-symptomatic patients and their correlation to treatment outcome.



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How to Cite

Migliore, A., Tormenta, S., Iannesi, F., Mascheroni, E., Barbati, E., Capuano, A., … Granata, M. (2007). Correlation between radiologic and ultrasonographic patterns and clinical manifestations in symptomatic hip osteoarthritis. Reumatismo, 59(1), 57–65.