Spinning-induced rhabdomyolysis: importance of MRI for patient’s outcome. A case report

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The first italian case of spinning-induced exertional rhabdomyolysis is presented here. The spinning is an expanding fitness activity which uses a stationary bike, that in some rare cases described in literature can induce rhabdomyolysis. In our patient, through magnetic resonance imaging, we detected a clear-cut temporal dissociation between clinical-biochemical healing and anatomical recovery. In fact we found that the improvement of magnetic resonance picture was much slower than the vanishing of myalgias and normalization of serum myoglobin and enzymes. This observation could be useful to understand the timing for exercise resumption without any risk for the patient.



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How to Cite

Boni, R., & Rabitti, P. (2011). Spinning-induced rhabdomyolysis: importance of MRI for patient’s outcome. A case report. Reumatismo, 63(1), 44–48. https://doi.org/10.4081/reumatismo.2011.44