A short history of anti-rheumatic therapy. I. An introduction on traditional and drug treatments

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The origins of anti-rheumatic therapy are very old and mainly related to the use of traditional, sometimes extravagant, treatments, as a part of folk medicine. Spa therapy has long been used for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, as well as, in later times, physical treatments, including electrotherapy. Drug treatment has developed beginning from substances of vegetable origin, such as willow and colchicum extracts. Then it has been spread out through the chemical synthesis of compounds with specific action and therefore more effective, owing to the great development of pharmaceutical industry.



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How to Cite

Pasero, G., & Marson, P. (2010). A short history of anti-rheumatic therapy. I. An introduction on traditional and drug treatments. Reumatismo, 62(1), 76–83. https://doi.org/10.4081/reumatismo.2010.76