The pink side of spondyloarthritis: a narrative review across pathogenesis and clinical manifestations in women

Published: 11 September 2024
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Objective. The aim of the present review was to highlight gender and sex differences in spondyloarthritis (SpA) to achieve a better awareness of the unmet needs of women with SpA.

Methods. A literature search of PubMed was performed, including manuscripts in English published in the last twenty years, to select and analyze articles related to SpA and sex and gender differences in epidemiology, genetics, immunology, clinical features, and response to treatment.

Results. Women and men with SpA have different disease phenotypes, and this heterogeneity mirrors anatomical, physiological, and hormonal differences, as well as peculiar variability in response to treatment. These underestimated differences, which include several biological factors and intertwined social factors, contribute to diagnostic delay and increased disease burden in women with SpA.

Conclusions. This review elucidates gender differences in SpA and raises awareness about the need for gender-related stratification of SpA patients with the concomitant implementation of SpA gender differences in future research and upcoming clinical trials. A deeper knowledge of SpA in women is indispensable to pave the way for real personalized medicine for SpA patients to reduce misdiagnosis and delay in intercepting the disease.



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How to Cite

Rizzo, C., La Barbera, L., D’Antonio, A., Camarda, F., Conigliaro, P., Chimenti, M., & Guggino, G. (2024). The pink side of spondyloarthritis: a narrative review across pathogenesis and clinical manifestations in women. Reumatismo, 76(3).

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